guess where i'm going tonight? dave barnes christmas concert. where? else?
here's hoping all my faithful readers have already downloaded this gem:

it's so very baylor university circa 2003. trust me... you'll love it. and if you happen to be looking for another christmas ditty, allow me to introduce you to the song i have yet to take off repeat the last week:
i know, i know- we all have a love/hate relationship with coldplay, but doesn't this song immediately transport you to the south street seaport christmas tree? oh. just me? ok. that's fine.
last but certainly not least, you of course remember my christmas post last year regarding my favorite christmas song. i am happy to report that as a special wink to me, it has been re-done and is better than ever... available on itunes in its entirely, but this will wet your whistle for the time being...
merry, merry christmas to me.
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