don't love halloween. don't love to be scared. not too big of a dresser-upper. ghosts, fake blood, fangs, plastic masks... i just don't see the appeal. candy... now candy i love. so sitting on my porch passing out treats to little neighbor friends (one for you, more than one for me) is a perfect way to spend a late october evening. except no one ever goes door to door anymore because that's the world we live in, so all the kiddies go to their schools or churches and all that is left are the 16 year old boys that look at you like, "give me the good stuff or i'll rob you." it's irritating and i'd just assume skip over this weight watchers nightmare of a holiday.
i'm pretty sure i'm the biggest all hallow's eve grinch in all the land and am completely fine with it, except recently three things have started to warm my heart up to the idea of giving this year's festivities one more chance.
#1: the pumpkin princess...

#2: the smiley grim reaper skeletor...

#3: LCT has promised to dress up as...

while we're on the subject of freaks, let me share with you a little something i learned this weekend:
ghosts apparently exist in real life.
and all you have to do is tell "them" you're not interested and they won't bother you again.
i know this because a fabulous peach of a person did my hair this past weekend and as we were sitting around talking, the subject of her being woken up by ghosts several times in her life came up. as nuts as it was to hear, there is no reason she should be making this information up. she has crystal clear memories of each time, along with more other-worldly tid bits i won't even go into right now. then- THEN- my friends (whose house we were sitting in at that very moment and whose names i will not state, except to say one of them loves oprah and dancing alone in his room) launch into the fact that there is a ghost in THEIR house as well! and if that's not bad enough- the reason they know they have one is because every time they leave the house, "something" uses their facilities and doesn't flush and there is no explanation for what else it could be. seriously. as i'm typing this out, i feel like ashton kutcher is about to come out of my screen and stamp "punk'd" on my forehead- but these normal, rational people really believe ghostly spirits are behind these weird unexplainables. is this for real? do lots of people think ghosts exist and are among us? i have said "i'm not interested" to the air more times then i care to share over the past two days and i'm not going to stop anytime soon. no one wants to know what will happen if i wake up from a sound sleep, only to find a set of red haired twins taunting me or an overflowing toilet.
ugh. now i'm annoyed at halloween again. bye.
I ran across your blog, and I do have to say something about this "do ghosts exists" topic. I do believe some ppl think they do, but we do not have any facts.. so it is still up in the air with me. Kinda like when we were 7 and wondering if Santa really existed.
And I thought this was important to point out... your friends that say they have ghosts, that use their facilities and such, when they arent home... I wouldnt read too much into this... BUT... I knew of somebody that had strange things like this happening around their home, and comes to find out, they had a homeless person living in their attic, that would come out when they werent at home...
Happy Halloween!! =)
Um...pumpkin princess = to.die.for....but I wouldn't want to die at the hands of the creepy ghost...
Could you post about fairy dust and sprinkles and cupcakes tomorrow?? That doesn't creep me out as much. :) Love, love!
I was hoping this post would be about you wanting Nov 1 to hurry up b/c it's my birthday...
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