look who i got to spend v-day with :) :) :) :)

blakey girl is such a giggle box!!!
i love valentine's day. i love it because there are chocolate covered strawberries as far as the eye can see and buying a 4-pack to eat in the car on the way home from h-e-b isn't weird on that one, special day. and i love it because it is a reminder at how much love is around me. it doesn't have to be some cliche, red roses, only romantic couples need apply event. i went to sleep last night being overwhelmingly grateful because i know what love is. i feel it and see it every day. in my friends whose voluntary presence in my life humbles me and makes me who i am. and in my parents who show me what unconditional love means and what it does when it supports you in ways nothing else can. and in my brother and sister and new sister who know who i am at my very core and keep my feet on the ground with their love and friendship that is dearer to me than just about anything else. and in my church whose pastor just began a new sermon series on BIBLICAL MANHOOD that i'm pretty sure every man (especially single, from the ages of 25-35) needs to go ahead and d-load. i've provided the link right here just in case you wanted to go ahead and start listening now.
so here is to the hope of MORE LOVE from now to the next february 14th. MUAH!
How precious and loved you are!
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