How is it that The Bachelor/Bachelorette television franchise is still in existance? What's more... how is it possible that we all. still. watch?!? I happen to believe this might be one of the best seasons yet... Jilly is fun, down to earth and loves pahncakes, while the gents are all emotional/metro fame hogs, looking for their 15 minutes. This has hurling-off-balcony-meltdown written allllll over it. So, I'm not going to talk much about it, except to say my prediction for the winner... and if not the winner, then I'd like to say he's at least the best one on the show and if it doesn't work out with he and J, I'm pretty sure I could scrounge up a rose around here somewhere for him.
Without further adieu, SEM's pick for the winner of the Bachelorette Season Eleventy Billion & Two goes to...

Punkin Mister Ed!
You might be thinking you haven't really noticed him... which is how CH & ABC usually like to play it in the beginning. He's the dark horse! Trust me!
p.s. check out the ihategreenbeans blog on the right. this chick has been doing bach re-caps for ages and is hilarious.
can we please talk about the might-as-well-eat-his-face-off-while-you're-at-it kiss/mug down Jillian gave Kiptyn?
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