the waiting is over. it has arrived. i thought it was just an urban myth, or some mean joke the american idol judges were playing on us with the "vitamin water zero" cups they used during auditions. could it be true that vitamin water is going to come out with a zero-calorie drink sweetened with none other than TRUVIA?!?!
for weeks i have been scouring the shelves at the grocery store, even asking a manager at randall's the other day when on earth i could expect it... he had not a clue what i was referring to. but isn't the saying so true: "you'll find it when you least expect it"? checking out and zoning out at target last night, i look to my right and there it was. so i drank it today and must say VITAMIN WATER ZERO is good! i have absolutely no idea what it does for you or what vitamin concoction is surged into this water, but it's something different and i am a solid supporter of anything with stevia in it. so, go get you some. if you need to know what it looks like, i placed it among my office decor today and took a photo just for you.

and guess what else. i played bunko for the first time last night and won a prize for rolling the most funkos! (don't even ask.) my prize was this really cute SUMMER SCARF from gap! look how happy i am about it:
this is what happens when you have too much alone time in the office. i'm pretty sure it's friday.
so i couldn't neglect to pass on a noteworthy quote from mama O herself. straight from the pages of march's O magazine... in the article "what i know for sure" by oprah winfrey:
"here we are in the spring of a brand new decade. i've heard so many people say they feel this will be their best year yet. i feel that way, too. there's something about 2010 that makes us hopeful. we sense an invitation to begin this next decade of the millennium with more conscious attention to our lives."
she goes onto say life is all about an energy exchange... clean out old shoes out of your closet... and eat foods that love you back. whatever. the most important thing to note is that oprah and i are like THIS when it comes to sensing the great things that are ahead for us this year. armed with our vitamin waters and summer scarfs this weekend... let's go make something happen.
much love!
L-O-V-E the scarf! I've not tried vitamin water yet; I'm hooked on jasmine green tea...
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